Friday, July 15, 2005

My computer is broke!! >:/

On Wednesday the 13th, my pc broke!! I just got home from Blockbuster Video with 2 dvd rentals for my wife and when I got to my pc the system was frozen. All the resources were locked up and not even my reset button worked. I had to hard reset the power supply to turn it off. But the thing is that it wouldn't come back on again!! >:/ Arghhhhhhh!!!!

So I just bought a power supply tester from CompUSA and tested it yesterday. Everything checked out right. So the problem isolated is the motherboard.

And now I have to get a new motherboard ASAP. I could buy a mobo=motherboard cheap online but my wife doesn't want to pay for the shipping and wait for it to arrive. So I have to shop locally today for one. The weekend looks busy already!! :/


  1. Hey Reggie,

    Sorry to hear about your computer. I just got around to visiting your blog. Sorry it took so long!

    Keep up the good work!

  2. thanks for stopping by Reid,
    you're my inspiration! reading your blog always made me drool and hungry! lol :D
