Ok it's been a while since my last posting. Here is a recipe for everybody on the Mainland USA and beyond that miss local Hawaiian style plate lunches and for those who never had a local Hawaiian plate lunch. Especially the ones made famous from L&L Hawaiian Barbecue which is Hawaii's #1 fast food takeout restaurant franchise with 100 locations from the west to east coast and growing.
This recipe is a clone of their Hawaiian Barbecue Shortribs. After careful trial and error and googling the net for similar recipes, my recipe could put you in the plate lunch business. lol :) Please note that this recipe is for 10-15 people for a potluck bbq cookout party. You may soak a little meat at a time and cook the amount of meat at your preference or whenever you crave Hawaiian plate lunch bbq. You may grill the shortribs over charcoal or propane but the way L&L does it is just on a flat metal griddle or grill with oil. Grilling the meat over a flame is ok if you prefer it that way but oil in a saute' pan keeps the meat moist and tender and a little bit greasy! mmmmmmmmm!! lol :D
Teriyaki BBQ Shortribs
Teriyaki Sauce/Marinade Ingredients:
1 5lb tray USDA Choice beef shortribs thinly sliced
6 cups hot water
3 cups brown sugar
6 cups Aloha Shoyu Lower Salt Soy Sauce
1/4 cup shaoxing wine or straight whiskey
8 large fresh garlic cloves, minced fine
2-3 inch knuckle of fresh ginger root, peeled and minced fine
1 can frozen orange juice concentrate
Canola oil for pan frying
Yields: 1 gallon of sauce
Water must be hot enough to dissolve sugar so heat water in a large saucepan or pot. Combine water, sugar, and soy sauce. Stir to blend with wire whisk until sugar is completely dissolved.
Add the ginger, garlic, wine, and orange juice. Stir to blend well.
Transfer to a container and store in fridge.
Add shortribs to clean container for marinating. Cover with teriyaki sauce/marinade and soak overnight for about 4-8 hours. The sauce isn't overly salty or sweet. The longer the marinade process the more tender, sweeter, and saltier the meat will become. About 6 hours or so is just right.
Cooking Procedure:
Add 1 Tbsp canola oil to a large frying or saute' pan over medium high heat.
When the pan begins to smoke, place marinated shortrib pieces into the pan. Let it cook until seared and lightly charred on both sides.
Serve with steamed hot white rice and macaroni salad just like L&L. :)
Enjoy!!! :D
This is one of the smartest blogs i have come across so far. A cooking blog,nice! All you have to do now is just get the word out.
thanks for the kind words Deshaun! Come back for more Hawaii recipes! :)
I make my own shortribs too....but what I really want is the recipe for the L&L BBQ macaroni salad! Does anyone have any idea how it's made??
Does anyone know how L&L makes their Macaroni Salad?
This is a GREAT recipe!!! It tastes JUST LIKE L & L!!!
I got a recipe fpr the mac salad... who needs to go to L & L again?!?!
The macaroni salad is very easy. Just cook elbow macaroni noodles according to the package directions. When they are done run cold water over them and strain. Then add (amounts according to your taste and how much macaroni you've cooked, I just eyeball it)
-Hellman's( or Best Foods) Mayo
-Finely shredded carrot
-Finely shredded canned chicken
And that's it! =)
The macaroni salad is very easy. Just cook elbow macaroni noodles according to the package directions. When they are done run cold water over them and strain. Then add (amounts according to your taste and how much macaroni you've cooked, I just eyeball it)
-Hellman's( or Best Foods) Mayo
-Finely shredded carrot
-Finely shredded canned chicken
And that's it! =)
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