Today I thawed out a whole fryer chicken. I was deciding on rotisserie roast chicken, fried chicken or whole crispy chicken. The whole crispy chicken finally gave in around noontime when it was fully thawed. I had from noon to about 6pm to prep the chicken for deep frying. A nd that meant more than just crispy chicken for my wife. She knew I would have to make her Oyster Sauce Chicken Cake Noodle. Making crispy chicken really messes up the whole kitchen for me. If it wasn't for the end result of oyster sauce chicken, my wife would really be on my case to clean up. Preparing the chicken takes patience and time because it has to be air dried for hours so the skin becomes crispy when its deep fried in oil.
Here is my compiled recipe.
3-4 lb whole fryer chicken
1 Tbsp Chinese five spice powder
2 tsp salt
1 Tbsp vinegar
1 Tbsp honey
4 Tbsp hot water
1 Tbsp Shao Xing wine or straight whiskey
Enough oil for deep-frying
Clean the chicken well, then scald in boiling water for 3–5 minutes. Remove and place on a wire rack. Dry-fry the Chinese five spice powder and salt over a gentle heat until aromatic. Remove and spoon mixture into the cavity of the chicken. Close the opening of the chicken with a satay stick. Combine honey, wine, vinegar and hot water. Mix well. Scoop the mixture over the chicken to bathe the skin. Do this twice then hang the chicken in the open air for approximately 3½–4 hours. Heat enough oil in a wok, hold the chicken by the wing and bathe it with the hot oil. Slowly immerse the chicken into the oil to deep-fry until cooked and golden brown and crispy. This should take a good 7–8 minutes. The dryer the chicken's skin the crispier the chicken will become.

Chop the chicken into serving pieces.
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