1 can Cream of coconut
2 bags Sweet Glutinous or mochi rice about 5 cups
1 1/2 - 2 C Dark brown sugar
1 stick Butter
Cooking Instructions:
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Cook rice as you would cook any steamed rice (I use my rice cooker) and when rice is done put in large bowl then add stick of butter and brown sugar. Mix well then add cream of coconut and mix well. In a well greased buttered cake pan, pour rice mixture in and bake until golden brown. Let cool then cut into squares. If you want, you can add grated lime peel in it as well.

"Kaukau" is a pidgin slang word meaning "food" or "to eat." The Hawaiian term for food is `ai. The two theories on the origin of the word "kaukau" are the Hawaiian word for table, pâkaukau, and the Chinese word for food, chow chow. In Hawaii we say "We go kaukau!", I would say, "I hungry I like kaukau!" or "Let's kaukau!" The Cuisine of Hawaii is a fusion of foods brought by immigrants to the Hawaiian Islands, particularly of Portuguese, Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, Polynesian etc.