Since posting the Teri BBQ Shortribs recipe it wouldn't be right not to include another Hawaiian favorite in the fast food plate lunch business. This recipe is another bestseller plate lunch at L&L Hawaiian Barbecue. The simple recipe is the same for the shortribs only thing you use boneless skinless chicken thighs. You may use chicken thighs with the skin on if you prefer.
1 frozen bag of instant quick frozen boneless skinless chicken thighs
enough Teriyaki Sauce/Marinade to soak the chicken thighs
enough canola oil for pan frying
Thaw quick frozen chicken thighs in running water and drain in collander. Pat dry with paper towels and set aside in mixing bowl. Pour enough Teriyaki sauce to nicely cover the chicken thighs evenly. Marinade overnight 8-10 hours. The longer the meat soaks the more tender the chicken will be when cooked. I have cooked chicken soaked for 2 days in the sauce and the chicken didn't come out salty.
Cooking procedure:
In a hot frying pan add 2 Tbsp canola oil. When oil starts to smoke add chicken thighs to sear and lower heat to medium. Fry thighs well done and brown on both sides. Let it char a little bit for that bbq flavor. Do not burn. Serve with hot steamed white rice and macaroni salad.